welcome to GICE LOVES Mental Health Department

It is entirely normal to not feel okay all of the time. Human emotions are complex and can fluctuate based on various factors such as life events, stressors, health, and more. It’s important to acknowledge and accept these feelings without judgment.

Your Mental Health Matters

One Child, One Family, One Community

We are helping 1 CHILD | 1 Family | 1 Community to Educate, Empower and Provide support

 Our Founder and CEO has always been passionate about providing youth and adults with a supportive community. We will be able to provide resources, social emotional skills, and help in managing day-to-day stressors that can be overwhelming. “The stigma ends NOW,” Coach LaKendra says. “Here at GICE LOVES Inc., we are excited about partnering with Texas families and communities in providing hope while teaching resiliency to maintain a healthier and meaningful life.”


Gice Loves

Life Coaching is the holistic alternative to mental health

The Global Institute for Coaches & Entrepreneurs has received credentials from Texas Medicaid. This allows us to offer Behavioral Health and Case Management Services. Texas Medicaid covers behavioral health services.
These services can address mental and emotional disorders, as well as alcohol and substance abuse. We will be collaborating with Licensed Professional Counselors to train our Life Coaches with parallel backgrounds. This will allow us to assist with the rise of mental illness in schools, government entities, and communities across the State of Texas.

Understanding Serious Mental Illness in America

Understanding Serious
Mental Illness in America

From Awareness to Action, Bridging Gaps, and Building a Future of Inclusivity and Support

1 in 5 Americans will experience a mental illness in a given year.

1 in 5 Children will combat mental illness before they reach adulthood.

1 in 25 Americans lives with a serious mental illness, such as schizophrenia, or major depression.

Depression is a common illness worldwide, with more than 264 million people affected

Emergency Situation

Suicide Prevention Hotline

If you know someone in crisis, call the hotline below

For Emergency

Call the hotline below
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